New : Plywood Hoarding on Jersey Barriers

Our modular system of Plywood Hoarding is now available with two (2) different panel sizes, adaptable to your needs. We offer you the 6’x8’ panel and the 8’x6’ panel, which covers almost 80% of the Jersey barrier surface.

The Plywood Hoarding on Jersey Barriers with the 6’x8’ panels is ideal for all civil engineering projects such as bridge repairs, construction and any road work that require increased security for workers as well as pedestrians. The job site will be well protected and will allow for a better flow of traffic.

Our latest product offers you the 8’x6’ Plywood Hoarding panel on a Jersey Barrier that can be installed on any civil engineering project and also around very populated downtown areas. Since the panel is well above the ground, it allows for efficient snow removal during the winter period without the plow blade making contact with the plywood. The usage of the 8’x6’ Hoarding Panels also allows for ideal advertisement of your project and partners since the total height is greater than 9’ high. And this height gives even more intimacy to your job site.

And don’t forget, we offer you the opportunity to personalize the Hoarding Panels to your company colours or project. A great benefit is that all our products are 98% recyclable and reusable,  this will increase your LEED points considerably.

Contact us today for a quote for your future or existing projects that require unparalleled protection! You will distinguish yourself, we guarantee it!